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Declan Finn NYC NY United States - website:
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Declan Finn is the author of the anti-Dan Brown "The Pius Trilogy," centered around WW2 Pope Pius XII, and the co-author of the sci-fi thriller, Codename: Winterborn, set in 2093, during a mission into the Islamic Republic of France.
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Declan Finn lives in a part of New York City unreachable by bus or subway. Who's Who has no record of him, his family, or his education. He has been trained in hand to hand combat and weapons at the most elite schools in Long Island, and figured out nine ways to kill with a pen when he was only fifteen. He escaped a free man from Fordham University's PhD program, and has been on the run ever since. There was a brief incident where he was branded a terrorist, but only a court order can unseal those records, and really, why would you want to know?

He is currently hard at work on the end to the Pius Trilogy, and the sequel to "Codename: Winterborn."
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Deck the Maul
When Sean AP Ryan is hired for Black Friday security, he figures it's an easy gig. He should have known better.
Posted Mon Dec 22 2014 01:35 By Declan Finn
Why Die Hard is the most perfect movie ever: A Writing Blog
Ever wonder why the movie Die Hard has lasted so long? Because it's the perfect movie. Let me show you from just one angle.
Posted Mon Dec 22 2014 01:21 By Declan Finn