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Robert Bidinotto MD United States - website:
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I'm the bestselling author of the Dylan Hunter thriller series, and a former award-winning journalist and editor.
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All my life -- since I watched "The Lone Ranger" and read Batman comics as a little kid in the Fifties and Sixties -- I have been passionate about the principle of justice. It was the guiding theme throughout my career as an essayist, investigative journalist, reviewer, blogger, editor, and nonfiction book author.

Now it's become the central theme of my fiction-writing, too.

Like me, the hero of my Dylan Hunter vigilante thriller series is motivated by his passion for justice. He cannot walk away when injustices are committed against those he cares about. I introduced him in HUNTER, which became the #1 Kindle bestselling thriller. Bridging and blending the crime and spy-fiction genres, and with a powerful love story at its heart, HUNTER draws upon my experiences as an investigative journalist writing true-crime books and articles, and exposes liberal leniency in the legal system.

The sequel, BAD DEEDS, arises from my years of critical investigative writing about the environmentalist movement. It may be the first thriller to defend fracking! It, too, has received stellar reviews from readers.

My nonfiction books include "Criminal Justice? The Legal System vs. Individual Responsibility," with a Foreword by John Walsh of TV's "America's Most Wanted," and "Freed to Kill." As a Staff Writer for Reader's Digest, I wrote the famous 1988 investigative article about prison furloughs in Massachusetts, which sank the Dukakis presidential candidacy. I also wrote exposes on environmentalist scares about global warming and pesticides. I've written for many major publications and conservative/libertarian journals, winning awards for my journalism. I also won a Gold "Eddie" Award as editor of "The New Individualist" magazine.

I live on the Chesapeake Bay with my talented musician wife, Cynthia, and our stridently individualistic cat, Luna (who plays a supporting role in the Dylan Hunter thrillers).
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My Personal Heroes Were Fictional Lawbreakers
The inspirational power and example of fictional heroes during youth can fix the course of an entire life...
Posted Mon Aug 25 2014 16:30 By Robert Bidinotto