Trudeau Agonistes
August 20 2014 |
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Why is liberal cartoonist Garry Trudeau suddenly lashing outat conservative humorists? Maybe it has something to do with the devilish wit and pointed satire of "Truesbury," a biting parody/rewrite of Doonesbury recently launched by our friends at the Right Wing Riot. What if, it asks, Trudeau were willing to ridicule Obama as energetically as he mocked Nixon? Apparently, they got under his skin.

Garry Trudeau is basically a has-been from the 60s. He hasn't been funny or even relevant in years. But like Cher he keeps touring well into his dotage, hoping to recapture the feel of those old glory days.

His response was predictable--but it was also revealing. Like so many on the left, Trudeau lives in a cultural time warp. His entire identity and self-worth are caught up in a fantasy. He believes that he's part of the counter-culture; that he sits in opposition to the White Male Elites who really run the country. Like all liberals he thinks he is the tribune and protector of the excluded and oppressed.

Garry, Garry, Garry. You have totally missed the point of conservative satire. "Truesbury" is not "ridiculing the non-privileged" and making jokes about minorities and immigrants. It is ridiculing YOU and other smug liberals like you. You're not some scrappy outsider bravely speaking truth to power. You're a nationally syndicated cartoonist. You have written musicals produced on Broadway. You have produced TV shows for HBO and Amazon. Not only are you part of the establishment, you are one of its gatekeepers.

But we have to thank Trudeau for spelling out what liberal media elites really think about conservatives, and putting their prejudice on display for all to see. Next time someone asks you whether it's really true that conservatives are blackballed in Hollywood, New York publishing, or other pop culture endeavors, just show them this comic. The gatekeepers speak for themselves.

Starting today, we're going to do our part to "afflict the comfortable" by welcoming Truesbury to the Liberty Island fold. We hope you love it as much as we do.
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I'm the COO of Liberty Island Media Group.

Review by AudieCockings
Oct 6 2014
1 of 1 liked this
Thank you!
David- I read your review and then started reading Truesbury last night. True and very funny. It's about time someone defends Sarah Palin and her fabulous rack! The liberals are always jealous when an intelligent conservative female is also super hot....Ann Coulter is another one. But on the other hand, the liberals do have Barbara Streisand and Gloria Steinem....Yummy!