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Welcome to Liberty Island
Saturday, April 19th 2014
Posted Sat Apr 19 2014 18:15
The guys from Liberty Island visited CPAC this year. What a scene! Your humble correspondents had a blast at the 3-day conference running into old friends and connecting with new ones. We mostly skipped the speeches (you could always watch them later on TV) and spent our time schmoozing on radio row, chatting with exhibitors in the Hub, handing out postcards promoting Jamie Wilson's "Murder at CPAC" and hoisting a few steins with the folks from Big Dawg Radio. Hats off to Big Dawg for getting themselves on the program as official musical sponsors. The live entertainment their artists provided was a huge hit at the conference and really changed the tone of the event.

Our takeaway: CPAC is a political convention not traditionally concerned with popular culture. But the seeds of Andrew Breitbart's revolution have been planted and are starting to bear fruit. At the fringes of the conference we found many who are active in the areas of fiction, popular music, film and video. It was a great opportunity to link up with these previously scattered and isolated producers and publishers. And by raising general awareness of this emerging front in the culture war we amplify our efforts as individuals. In a word, we are stronger together than apart. An inspiring and hopeful beginning as we start to build awareness of Liberty Island among its core constituency.

Be sure to check out our podcasts from the event listed below.

-- AB