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Individual Blog Post From Paul ClaytonAllCreatorsSiteStaff
Paul Clayton writes realistic fiction with which he hopes to change the world.
Tuesday, April 1st 2014
About an article: Killing Conservative Books: The Shocking End Of A Publishing Gold Rush. Linked at:
Posted Tue Apr 1 2014 15:10
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What's missing here? conservative book business, conservative imprints, conservative literati, conservative publishing arena, conservative authors, conservative editors, conservative literature, conservative book market, conservative critic, conservative publishing evolution, right-wing works, conservative imprints... (I DID NOT SEE THE WORD 'NOVEL'.)

Why is it 'Shocking' that this 'Gold Rush' came to an end? A friend used to forever read and promote these polemics to me. The problem was I already knew the country had taken a wrong turn down the path of Socialism long ago, that we'd gone too far, and that it would be to find our way back. And I didn't need to shell out thirty five dollars for a hardback reiterating the same revelations and arguments. Maybe there were other folks like me who just stopped opening their wallets. Let's face it, we're up the creek and the Left has snatched our paddle. What to do? Let's start by 're-educating' our 're-educated' youth. How? By locking them in a room and making them read the latest Anne Coulter or Jeb Bush? I don't think so. Better to find, publish and promote novels, stories, LITERATURE, that ENTERTAINS as it makes our points and opens young eyes.

You grownups, look at the 'writers' mentioned in the article.

OUR WRITERS: Mary Matalin, Ann Coulter, Dinesh D'Souza, David Brock, Jonah Goldberg, Bill O'Reilly, Charles Krauthammer, Scott Walker, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan, Bobby Jindal, Jeb Bush, Rick Santorum, Tim Pawlenty.

Compare them to the writers I plucked from the Awards listings and the best seller (on Amazon).
THEIR WRITERS: Stephenie Meyers, Junot Diaz, Dan Brown, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Ken Kesey, Veronica Roth, Donna Tartt, Stuart Woods, Jeffrey Eugenides, Sue Monk Kidd, Jhumpa Lahiri, Harper Lee, Suzanne Collins, John Grisham, Mary Higgins Clark, David Baldacci.

It's a cold snowy night as you sit before the fireplace, your hot chocolate in front of you. Who you gonna read?