The Good Hood Fairy
1380 Words | May 7 2014 |
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LaQuisha knocked softly before walking into her sixteen year old daughter's room. It was beautifully decorated with a canopy bed, white furniture and two-toned peach walls with decorative chair rails and crown molding. It was the bedroom girls dream about. The ceiling fan was set to low, and it threw a spinning shadow around the room. "Rudy? Are you okay?

Rudy nodded but said nothing.

"Come on now, you can tell your Momma."

Rudy sat quietly for a moment and then said, "Why don't boys like me?"

Oh, there it is, thought LaQuisha. Out loud, she said, "You know better than that. I see the way boys look at you at the mall. There must be a certain boy....You wanna share?"

"Eldrick at the Whole Foods. He rolled his eyes at me while I was checking out."

"Yes, well, Rudy. There are not many young girls buying kale and arugula."

"But Momma, that's the way the First Lady says we should eat. I've lost three pounds in two weeks."

"Yes, baby, and I wish you would put those pounds back on. Thing is, the First Lady doesn't know much about food or cookin'. I'm sure she means well, but honey, she couldn't find her way around the kitchen with a map."

Rudy's eyes grew wide. "What are you saying?" she asked.

"Climb under the covers and let Momma tell you a bedtime story."

"I think I'm a little old for that," said Rudy, but she was smiling a little.

"Not this one," LaQuisha said while fluffing Rudy's pillow. She took a deep breath and began, "Once upon a time, there was a girl named LaQuisha."

Rudy cut her off. "Hey, that's your name."

"Do not interrupt me," said LaQuisha. She reached to tickle Rudy, who let out a big laugh.

"Now, once upon a time there was a girl named LaQuisha who lived in the ghetto outside of Philadelphia. She was watching TV and smiling while imagining her life as a character in an episode of the Cosby show. Her little brother was in bed and her Momma wouldn't be home from the factory till morning. As she reached for her glass of green Kool-Aid, shots rang out from somewhere outside. She dove to the floor like her Momma taught her spilling her Kool-Aid.

"I AM SO SICK OF THIS!" LaQuisha said out loud.

"I want a home. I want to live like the Huxtables. Why can't I live like the Huxtables?"

LaQuisha stood up after the commotion died down and walked over to her mother's what-not cabinet. Inside was a little ceramic angel. Her Momma said it was lucky so she held it, closed her eyes and made a wish. When she opened her eyes nothing had happened, so she cleaned up the spilled Kool-Aid and went to bed. No sooner had she closed her eyes when the bed began to shake. LaQuisha sat up as a glowing circle appeared on the wall. It grew bigger and bigger until she saw a form trying to crawl through it. It was a fat woman, a short fat woman in a bright yellow muumuu with a lace wig and a glowing rhinestone crown. She struggled mightily until she finally popped through the hole and fell to the floor.


Jumping to her feet, almost like an athlete, she looked around the room. "You LaQuisha?"

"Yes. Who are you?" asked LaQuisha, shocked but strangely unafraid.

"I am the Good Hood Fairy," the short, fat woman said, proudly taking a small curtsy.

"The who?"

"The Good -- wait, didja make a wish on the angel?" asked the Good Hood Fairy.

"The what?"

"The angel, the little angel. Are you deaf or sumptin'?"

"No, yes, I made the wish."

"Okay then, get yo ass up, we got shit ta do."

"Why do you swear so much?"

"Do I look like mutha fukin' Tinkerbell?

"No ma'am."

"No ma'am, that's right. Now get yo ass up."

LaQuisha followed the fairy into the kitchen. The fairy began going through all the cabinets looking for something. "Where's the baking stuff?" she asked.

"We don't bake," said LaQuisha.

"Wutch you mean, you don't bake? What the hell do you eat?"

LaQuisha pointed to the freezer and the fairy opened it. Pot pies, frozen pizzas and frozen dinners were all that was seen "What in the name of all that is good is this shit?"

"It's what we eat."

The Fairy looked at the floor, shaking her head. "Okay, baby, I know you're a good girl. Bad girls don't get fairies. Now listen up; you wanna live like the Huxtables? No shit? You got to do one thing and do it well. Learn to make a buttermilk biscuit."

"A what?" said LaQuisha.

"Once again, are you deaf?"

LaQuisha shook her head as the fairy continued. "Baby, if you wantin' to live like a Huxtable, you gonna need a strong partner. By strong, I mean smart and as good a boy as you are a girl. They ain't a whole bunch of good boys out there, but you CAN get you one if you pay attention. You got one in mind?"

"Yes, ma'am. There is this boy, he plays piano at the church..."

"WHOA GIRL, plays piano? At the church? That's a smart one 'cause that piano playin' shit is hard. Okay, here's the thing. What does a good boy love more than anything in the world?"

LaQuisha shrugged her shoulders and said, "I don't know, what?"

"His momma and his grandmomma. We he comes in yo house smelling them biscuits, he gonna smell his momma and grandmomma's house and BANG! You right in that love circle. The sense of smell is very powerful for a man, takes them to a different place and time."

Suddenly in her hand appeared a wand. Well, not really a wand but a radio antenna broken off a Buick Electra 225. Her head began to bob as she twirled the wand in the air yelling, "GIMME GIMME GIMME WHAT I NEED!"

Then Poof! On the kitchen counter there appeared several items. "There it is, baby, the Holy Trinity of Man Catchin': flour, lard and buttermilk. Time to GET BUSY!"

For the rest of the night till early in the morning, they baked pan after pan of biscuits, until the final pan was fluffy and mouth watering. LaQuisha was proud. Then the Fairy said, "Oh, honey, we ain't done yet."

Once again the wand was waved and the chant spoken. Sausage appeared, along with a cast iron pan. "Baby, it's time to make some sausage gravy."

The fairy showed LaQuisha how to brown the sausage, breaking it up then draining the excess grease. "Don't dump all the grease, we gonna need a little," she said.

They put the sausage aside, sprinkled in flour, browned it in the grease, added milk, and stirred till it was thickened. Then they added back the sausage. "Don't forget the pepper, baby. It needs some zing."

They finished and both took a little taste. LaQuisha couldn't believe she had made anything that good. "There it is, baby. Now you're on your own. The Good Hood Fairy will be watchin' over you. Good luck."

She twirled her wand and disappeared.

LaQuisha sprang up in her bed. Wow, what a dream! Then suddenly she heard her mother calling. She was home from work. LaQuisha walked into the living room and there sat her mother with a plate of biscuits and gravy. "Girl, I don't know where you learned how to do this, but DAAAMMMNN!!! And where you get that cast iron pan?"

Rudy shook her head. "Really, Momma , you make Daddy biscuits and gravy every Sunday morning. You expect me to believe Daddy married you for biscuits and gravy?"

"Well, I was a good Christian girl and the Law Degree didn't hurt but yeah, I believe it was the coup de grace."

"Goodnight, Momma," said Rudy. Off in the distance she heard her Daddy practicing the piano for Sunday services.

LaQuisha started to close Rudy's door when Rudy called out, "Momma, would you teach me to make biscuits?"

LaQuisha smiled and said, "Honey, I thought you would never ask."

The End

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Jack July is the Author of Amy Lynn and the soon to be released sequel, Amy Lynn, Golden Angel. He has also made a couple of short story attempts. Both can be found here on Liberty Island.

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Review by markthom1729
May 14 2014
1 of 1 liked this
Best one so far
Loved this--it works as a story, even without the contest. Best of the 11 so far, IMHO!