Forget Million Man March. How About A Million Bus March?
Please don't give up. It's not too late to fight back. Here's a very short explanation how to do it peacefully. Churches have a ready-made capability liberals only wish they could replicate.

Recent events have shaken up conservatives, and it's not just because they lost on a few issues. The truth is conservatives are better equipped than liberals to accept a loss in a fair fight because conservatives play by the rules, and one rule is to be gracious in defeat. Therefore, losing, by itself, is rarely seen as the end of the world. However, losing gracefully should never be considered an acceptable behavior after being so brazenly swindled. We simply can't afford to be gracious this time. The fight in question wasn't even close to fair. It was at best a sneaky way of cheating the system, and an argument can even be made it was nothing more than an enormous fraud foisted upon an unwary populace. Unfortunately, the time for that argument is over. Now we have to focus on fighting back. If we don't, we are giving the A-holes permission to keep mistreating us.

Our biggest problem isn't what has already been made legal by the Supreme Court; our problem is what the vindictive activist-leftists are going to do now that they believe they hold great celestial powers over us. These guys can't even be gracious in victory. Anytime they gain an advantage they immediately start pushing people around. Unless we let them know we are willing to stand up to bullies, they are going to go on a crusade to strip as many rights from us as they can. The fact they started insisting people must participate against their will at gay weddings, before the court even made its decision, and the fact they are gleefully willing to prosecute those who refuse, are pretty good indicators there are worse abuses coming our way.

I don't have a demented enough imagination to foresee every abuse they will try to inflict upon us; I only know liberals won't be able to hold back, and they will push as many abuses as they possibly can. They also won't waste any time. They know, probably better than even most conservatives do, they are on extremely shaky ground here. The number of people opposed to this issue massively outnumber the ones who pushed for it, and the libs know the only reason they got away with it is because an even larger chunk of people aren't paying attention enough to care. The leftists count the inattentive folks as supporters for their side, but they are painfully aware those people's opinions could quickly change. Therefore, the liberals are going to do everything they can to demoralize you into not fighting back.

Please don't let them push you into giving up! Just remember, if they honestly believed the majority of Americans were on their side, they never would have felt they needed to cheat!

The title of this blog suggested a million bus march. Sounds impossible, huh? It's not as hard as you might think. The Supreme Court didn't just attack conservatives with that last decision; they attacked religion. With religion you get churches, and with churches you find buses. How many churches with buses are in each city? In each state? How many churches do you think could fill a bus and send it to Washington DC? More importantly, how many churches would be eager to do it if they were asked? You better believe it would be in the hundreds. Why stop there? Once a movement got started, how many other groups do you think might want to charter buses? It may not end up being a million buses total, but I guarantee it would be more than enough to make an impact.

Speaking of impact, who says we have to stop with just driving to DC? Liberals love to tell us dissent is the highest form of patriotism (Well, they do whenever a Republican is president), so let's show them some seriously patriotic dissent. Why not make it a two day event, and let's bring props to get the point across. On Day 1 the people could surround the Supreme Court with their signs saying such things as: "Don't Crap On ME!" and "You are NOT gods!" and then there is one other thing they could do to really get the point across. You know those plastic bags you have to use in public parks for picking up after your dog? Let's save a few filled ones to bring along. While we are at it, let's bring along some used diapers. Heck, they don't even have to be used. Just fill up some new diapers with peanut butter or something. It really doesn't matter what's in them; I guarantee nobody will ever open any up to examine the contents. The way it would work is a few people could make some speeches, and then we could have a count-down to everybody throwing bags and diapers onto a pile in front of the Supreme Court. Think a million or more might make a big enough pile to get their attention?

(Personally, if I had my druthers, I'd opt to make trips to the houses of Justices Kagen, Sotomayor, and Kennedy instead, and just throw thousands upon thousands of rubber rats on their driveways, but I don't know; maybe that would be going too far. What I wouldn't do is criticize Ruth Bader Ginsburg in any way. She's on her last legs, and isn't likely to be around much longer, so there's no point in giving lying leftists a chance to claim her death, even if it came five years later, was a result of her shock over our reaction).

Day 2 would be a similar event except it would now be done in front of Congress. You won't need diapers for this event, though. There is something else you could put into bags and throw. These bags would go nicely with signs saying "Fix it now, or pack your bags!" Every bus would carry bags with names on the outside for each politician representing these folks, and inside those bags would be hundreds of pink slips saying "You're fired!" They could all be signed on the bottom by different first names, (probably not a good idea to include last names), and, if possible, it might also be a nice touch to use some old pieces of luggage instead of bags.

Once the politicians understand their jobs are on the line they will be more motivated to pass legislation protecting religions from being abused in any way by what the Supreme Court has recently done. On the other hand, if we just sit around moaning about the whole thing, and we don't get the message across we aren't happy with a few unqualified judges being allowed to make legislative decisions, the politicians won't do anything at all while the activists go crazy.

The beauty of this is it wouldn't be that hard to get church congregations to go along with the idea. All we need is a personality who could really get the ball rolling. Unfortunately, I am not such a personality. The skills I've acquired in life do not include an ability to organize much of anything. However, I can think of one person who would be perfect for this.

Does anybody out there know how to contact Governor Huckabee? If you do, please pass the idea on. I don't need to be contacted personally, I'm not interested in getting any credit, and I don't care how much the idea gets modified. In fact, I don't care 'who' borrows 'what' from this idea. If anybody out there at all has the ability get something such as this started, please do so. I will gladly contribute whatever I can.

PS. Life to America!

Posted June 28 2015 by Robert O'Connor
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