A new poetry series begins at Liberty Island...
What a Smile Can Do
89 Words | February 12 2016 |
Mishimoto / Flickr
In the depth of man's sorrow
that washes the earth
of its pain
and its loss.
What a smile can break
And resuscitate.

In the depths of brokenness
and the loss of all hope.
Of blindness.
And loss of the earth's taste.
What a smile can awake
and remake
in the universe.

In the depths of despair
when love can awaken.
The hope that tears can
run dry in a well
that serves as a garden
for a miracle
that a smile can leave in its trace.


Editor's Note: Liberty Island is now beginning featuring poetry more regularly. Please send your work to [email protected]. And we wish everyone a wonderful Valentine's Day this weekend.
Jamie Glazov is Frontpage Magazine's editor, the author of "United In Hate: The Left's Romance with Tyranny and Terror" and the host of the web TV show "The Glazov Gang." You can contact him at [email protected].

Review by BAnnE
May 2 2016
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So much heart in your words.
Review by AudieCockings
Feb 17 2016
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Very nicely done
Great little gem of a poem! Welcome!